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5 Must-do things before your first antenatal visit

Updated: Apr 27, 2019

Congratulations! You are now officially pregnant. The urine pregnancy test is positive very clearly and strongly. Read on for 5 must-do things before your visit.

#1 Google for the "right" obstetrician

Your handphone would probably be the first to know that you are pregnant. You will google the "most popular" obstetrician. But the most popular may not be best fit for you. Choose a doctor whom you will be most comfortable. Fix your long awaited first appointment! Remember to check if your doctor is in town during your expected due date. Usually trusted word-of-mouth recommendations may be the best option.

#2 Never too late for folate

Folic acid is crucial for brain and spinal cord development of the foetus. If you’re not already taking a folate supplement, start taking one as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed. I would advise at least 1mg of folate a day as the higher dosage confers better protection against malformation.

#3 Tell your hubby or partner

He will be beaming from ear to ear. Block out his calendar for this important antenatal visit. Your doctor will ask a detailed medical history from both of you to identify familial risk factors such as genetic disorders or diabetes. Blood tests like screening for Thalassemia will be necessary ensure that your baby is healthy.

#4 Eat well and eat right

Getting nutrition right is best thing that you can do for your baby. A healthy, balanced pregnancy diet ensure most optimal brain development and will increase IQ of baby. Avoid intake of caffeine and abstain from alcohol. Stop smoking please.

#5 Start a journal

From weight gain to the first flutter in your tummy, write down the changes you are feel in your body and mind. Your emotional health throughout the pregnancy is just as important as your physical health. Not only will this serve as a useful way to track your well-being, it will be a wonderful memento when the baby finally arrives. Take many photos of your growing bump!

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contact ( if you are TRYING TO CONCEIVE, I never thought I'd be writing this message but after 5 years of and nearly lost my marriage due to not be able to have a child after i suffer from PCOS and my TUBES ARE TIED, and severe endometriosis and scanning, I was told that IVF was the only option. This was something we could not afford and had almost given up hope of becoming parents. A friend of mine recommended DR Agbola to me and persuaded me to contact her, she did a spiritual breakthrough for me to make me GET PREGNANT, within 2 weeks I was pregnant (naturally!!!) and gave birth to a healthy twins in February. I am…

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