Developed thousands of years ago, acupuncture is an ancient treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Fine needles are inserted to stimulate crucial points in your body known as “acu-points”. Stimulating these acu-points improves blood flow, allowing “Qi” or healing energy to circulate in your body, hence boosting your body’s self-healing and restoration process. Despite acupuncture’s popularity, there are still some misconceptions.
# 1 Ouch! Acupuncture is painful.
The first question all patients ask when considering acupuncture is, “Does acupuncture hurt?”
Acupuncture needles cause minimal pain as they are as fine a cat’s whisker! A trained and experienced acupuncturist will also take great care to ensure that these needles cause minimal discomfort. Some patients find acupuncture so relaxing that they fall asleep during treatment!
#2 Acupuncture is not evidence-based and just another old wives’ tale.
Numerous medical studies show that acupuncture relieves pain by regulating neurotransmitters, reducing inflammation and promoting blood flow.
In a groundbreaking trial lead by a Harvard neuroscientist, the study team concluded that patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome could experience significant brain remapping after receiving acupuncture. The MRI scans of these patients showed that damage to their somatosensory cortexes had been partially repaired following acupuncture. Acupuncture is ancient, but certainly not outdated.
3) Acupuncture may interfere with convention medical treatments.
There is no evidence to suggest any conflict between acupuncture and convention medical treatment. WHO recognizes the efficacy of acupuncture as an alternative treatment for over 100 medical conditions.
So, do seek a TCM advice if you experience chronic pain, subfertility or even insomnia / depression for acupuncture and see its benefits!
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