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6 facts about diastasis recti after childbirth

#1 Most mummies have diastasis recti due to pregnancy

Diastasis recti is present in most mummies during late pregnancy and after delivery. During pregnancy, your tummy expands to accommodate your baby. The left and right rectus abdominis muscles separate to create space and connect by a membranous fascia. This fascia is stretched as your baby grows.

#2 The body will gradually heal from diastasis recti

The healing process starts after delivery, but the speed of recovery varies from 6 weeks up to even 2 years.

#3 How to self-test diastasis recti in 5 simple steps?

You can test for diastasis on your own.

Step 1: Lie on your back facing up with your legs bent.

Step 2: Put your fingers right above your belly button.

Step 3: Lift your head slightly up from the pillow and feel the gap between the abdominal muscles with your fingers.

Step 4: Measure width of the gap by the number of fingers which can fit into the gap horizontally. Also, note the tension felt at the bottom of the gap.

Step 5: Repeat the same measurement below the belly button.

You may measure the gap once every 2-4 weeks to monitor your recovery process. You have improved if the gap reduces or the tension at the bottom of the gap increases.

#4 The gap may not completely close in the end, but it is OK

For some mummies, the gap never fully heals even after many years. As long as the abdominal muscles function well, a small gap will not cause any discomfort. Neither will it affect the look of your tummy. It is OK to be not OK.

#5 In some mothers, diastasis recti may cause back pain and weakness

For persistent diastasis recti, it may affect your core and abs function. As a result, some mummies may develop back pain and feel weak. Do seek professional help to address these severe symptoms.

#6 Diastasis rehab isn’t just about strengthening the abs

The remedy for diastasis recti is more complicated than simply strengthening the abs. You must learn to engage your core muscles correctly, and strengthen the entire core system progressively while monitoring for symptoms. Doing the wrong exercises or progressing too fast may worsen your symptoms.


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